The Golden Rule

“Though shalt not be a cunt”

ankor wat

What’s so difficult about the whole being a nice person thing? Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you, and all that?

I am an atheist. A staunch atheist. Not someone who is waiting to find god. Not someone who went through a terrible experience and lost her way. I just don’t believe in the big guy in the sky.

But I am tolerant of your religions. You can believe what you like. You can practice and preach as you wish. As long as it doesn’t do harm to others, I frankly don’t give a shit.

I’m not one of these atheists who is taking the label and turning it into a crusade to save the world from evil religions. I believe religions exist for a reason. And whether or not they are ‘true’ is inconsequential. The fact so many people hold their customs and beliefs close to their hearts makes it true.

Over the years I have developed a keen interest in and respect for religions. I attended a Catholic school for 14 years (there were nuns in my primary school and priests in my secondary school); my family follows the tradtions and customs of the church; I grew up in a society deeply scarred and divided by religion. This Christian-centric life opened up new avenues for me when I went out and disovered the world beyond Ireland. I have since spent time exploring new-age spiritualism, having my fortune told and reading tarots; I have researched into Buddhism, and attended a 5 day meditation restreat; I have spent several months living in an Islamic society, being (unintentionally) woken by the call-to-prayer at 5am. People and their habits, opinions and actions intrigue me, and religion is a huge part of this meaning I have visited all matters of religious sites around the world. Temples in China, Cathedrals in Italy, Yurts in Glastonbury. They’re all pretty magical.

But let’s not forget the best introduction into world religions: the ever-so multicultural and liberal environment that is student life in Manchester.

So with all of this experience and more, I can happily say I am a well-informed atheist. I take the teachings I feel worthy and apply them to life. Or in simple terms: The Golden Rule.

golden rule

From my primary years I still recall the ever present motto of “Courage, Courtesy, Concern” emblazoned as the nicest propaganda you’ll ever see.  I am generally a pretty fucking ace person. My purpose in life will always be to help others whatever that means. I consider the beauty of nature my religion; the power of the universe my god.

Is it such a big deal that I don’t agree with your book? Now play nice.


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